Monday, April 16, 2012

Phil McCollam

I thought Phil was very interesting to say the least. His whole presentation and portfolio was very humor based. I liked is different approach to presenting to all of us. I felt like he was more personable and in trying to relate to each of us. He seemed very excited about everything he did and I like how he gave us tips on being a better designer. The thing that stuck with me the most was how he said we should keep other hobbies besides designing to keep us more well rounded. The only critique I had was how some of his slides were a little too unprofessional. I understand he was trying to be funny and stick out more, but I didn't get a very professional vibe from some of it.

I definitely appreciated how fresh his ideas and approaches were. I believe that he would add a great dynamic within the professors we already have in our department. He would bring new ideas and great insight to the students. I feel like he was confident in his work and his approaches and I'd like to see more of him.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Aaron G Presentation

Aaron seemed very knowledgeable, but I got more of a tech feel from him rather than a creative design feel. He was a little dry and hard to follow at times. I didn't get any type of personal connection from him. At first he was talking about his work and schooling, but I would have liked to hear more about how he felt about design and why he went into it. Towards the end, he brought up a new iPad app for a library, but I didn't think that related to teaching at a university and him as graphic designer. I thought the idea was neat but I think he focused too much on that part of the presentation. As a student I think it would be hard for me to learn a lot from him. He didn't really keep my interested. Overall, I thought he was intelligent but I don't think he would succeed in that area.

Reflection of Meredith M.

Meredith was very interesting and she kept my attention throughout the entire presentation. I liked how she explained her design process and she seemed very open minded to experiencing different processes. She seemed very engaging and excited about designing and teaching others what she knows. I think her enthusiasm really kept my attention and it made me want to know more about her. I can see her being very helpful in giving good advice and critiques. I really enjoyed all of her work and it seems like she would have a lot to offer in experience. My only critique would be that she would have to narrow down what exactly to teach. I feel like she had so many different ideas and things going on that she would need to figure out a way to structure a class with the basics and guidelines for projects. Overall, I enjoyed her and thought she would be a great fit for the Art and Design department.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Reflection of Ashley's presentation

I was amazed at Ashley's work and creativity, it seemed like she was very passionate about art. I enjoyed the way she set up her presentation in the beginning. It was helpful to give us a timeline of her life/career. During her presentation she was very calm and seemed quite organized and prepared. At times I thought she was almost too calm and quiet. She didn't really let her personality come out and it didn't really seem like she was enjoying the presentation herself. To me, good professors should enjoy their work and bring excitement and creativity to their classrooms. However, I didn't really get that feeling from Ashley. She seemed very creative in her work, but not necessarily with her presentation. I definitely think she would be a great professor to bring new ideas and design processes to the classroom. I really enjoyed all of her work especially her illustrations which I believe would be useful to teach at Drake. Towards the end of her presentation I didn't really see the connection between her work and the original topic of the presentation. She went into race and her feelings towards people and comments they've made towards her. I thought that would be necessary to explain if she was specifically just talking about one exhibition, but I didn't see the point of going off on all of that. She definitely lost me towards the end. Overall, it was interesting to see a different perspective on art and design, it always is. But I honestly couldn't see her as a professor at Drake.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Design/Draft 2

I design to communicate and convey ideas, emotions and purpose. I deliver these messages through my creative being. My process begins with completely clearing my mind and starting from scratch. I begin by just merely designing with no limits or expectations. The use of space, order and graphic elements are always incorporated within my designs.

Designing gives me the chance to express my ideas and perceptions. It gives me freedom from the real world and an outlet to escape. Not only are my goals to visually communicate with and for others, but to also show off unique and creative designs. It’s important for me to remain open minded and expressive within my work. The unexpected always becomes my best. 

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Jan 24: Class [Draft of design statement]
Jan 26: Class
Jan 31: Resume Workshop [Have Resume and Cover Letter to bring to class]
Feb 07: Interview Techniques [Have project 2 started]
Feb 09: Speaker
Feb 16: Speaker
Feb 28: Group 5 Meeting [Have resume, cover letter, e-mailable portfolio and project two to bring for group critique]
March 01: Speaker [Have online portfolio and presentation portfolio started]
March 29: Group 5 Meeting [Portfolios for review by class]
March 15: Printer Tour 
April 01: [Have extra credit completed and turned in]
April 17: Group 5 Meeting
May 03: Group 5 Portfolio Reviews
May 10: Turn in all work by 9:30

Design Statement / Draft

I design to communicate and convey ideas, emotions and purpose. I deliver these messages through my creative being. The use of space, order and graphic elements are always incorporated within my designs. Designing gives me the chance to express my ideas and perceptions. It gives me freedom from the real world and an outlet to escape. 

--- This is what I have so far. I want to re word all of this and expand on my ideas. I wasn't sure how long/short to make this. I want it to be simple and informative. I'm excited to see what my group has to say and I'm looking to get some feed back on how I can fix it.